We have evening courses running on Monday evenings throughout the first couple of months of 2012..
The dates are as follows..
January Mondays 9th and 30th
February Mondays 6th and 27th
March Mondays 5th and 26th
SHRED! Freestyle coaching courses are ideal if you have been Skiing or Snowboarding
for a while, Can competently turn down the piste, perhaps tried some switch riding and basic flatland moves and looking to progress further onto hitting boxes/rails and kickers.
We like to run our courses on the quieter evenings at SNO!zone MK and we use a special private park setup. This is because we feel this is a better way to learn and progress your freestyle riding with out the pressure of other riders on the busier nights.
The courses are priced at £60 for 3 hours.
To book or for more info Call SNO!zone MK on 0871 222 5673 or 01908 680 838